Money Money MONEY!
So Jess and I would like to talk about money. Let's just get to the point. Like many of you, I have often been the recipient of letters asking for money. We, the proverbial "we", like to tip-toe around talking about money. What I am attempting to do here is to crumple up all tension and uneasiness associated with this topic and toss it in the trash. Hopefully I'll be bringing to light some unique and rather freeing paradigms in the process.We have dreams and these dreams are not cheap. Our dreams are getting bigger every day, dreams from God. Dreams that require money and resources and people. Jess and I have realized that God is really big and that He has a ton of resources available to us. For example: Jess and I stayed in a 1.5 million dollar house 4 blocks from the beach in La Jolla, CA for the first year and a half of our marriage for $1500 a month (normally rent would be $3800)! We didn't even need to ask for it, God knew how to love us and had my friend offer it to us! We have learned to have zero fear of lack and even more that God provides for ALL our needs and even provides for our wants (that's a good word)! But there is something I have learned along the way, we can't do life alone. Even though we feel it's good not to burden our friends with a need, God has made it so that we are dependent on each other in different ways so that we don't become isolated and do our own thing apart from family and community. We need each other, and although it may feel good doing it all on our own, that is not how to build a close family.
I'm going to be straight with you on this subject, Jessica and I will receive everything we need to complete and fulfill our dreams. We will because we know our God loves us and wants to give the world to us. Our faith in His goodness unlocks all of heavens finances. So why are we asking for money? We are asking, but it is also an offer to partner with us. What we want to get very clear to all of our family and friends is that we will accomplish all of our dreams. Whether you give financially or not, God will provide a way for us to get the finances we need. Do not feel obligated or fear that we will fail if you don't do your part. If you are thinking about partnering with us financially, it needs to be from a place of complete freedom. If you are feeling guilty and that you "need" or "should" give, then we would ask for you to not give and be free in doing so. We would rather have support from people that are excited about what God will do with their gift in our lives. If you aren't totally excited about blessing us with your gift then save it for another time or another purpose in the future. Let me say again, we will not fail in what we are called to do. I hope that takes any burden off of you in reading this letter. Our love for each of you has nothing to do with whether you help financially or not. Jess and I are free enough in ourselves that we don't base our friendships off of who can give us the most money or any at all. We only write this letter so that you know how to give and partner with us.
We want to thank those of you that have already given so generously to us. We are also thankful for those of you who have helped us out in other ways with other resources. We cannot fulfill all the mighty and powerful dreams that God has given us without your help, whether it's money, time, resources, or just encouragement and love. All these are necessary to for us to succeed. I know you will all reap what your have sown into our lives and MORE!
We of course need more than just money, but I wanted to cover this topic thoroughly as it can be a tough one to talk about at times. We thank you, and covet your prayers and love that you so freely give us and shower us with.
How to give:
Right now our need is for a 9 day trip to Guatemala, spring next year (I'll write more later on that). The trip is $3700 for both of us. We will do our best to keep you all updated on this need and future needs.
1. Give tax deductible through our school/church via Credit Card. click here: Jesse or here for Jessica. If you have any trouble, call us or the church: (530) 246-6000
2. Send us a check, made out to "Bethel Church" and we'll make sure it get's to the right place. Be sure to give us your address for the tax information.
Our address:
5216 Mica Ct.
Redding CA 96003
3. If you aren't concerned about your gift being tax deductible, you can make the check out to Jesse Skinner and send it to our address above.
We will update the blog as the amount needed changes. If you would like to give to us outside of this missions trip, either monthly or a one time amount, you can email me and we can figure out the best way to do this.
Oh my! We love you all! Lot's of stuff has been going on and we will write more later!
Jesse and Jessica, You two are so awesome and loved by God... I love watching how God moves through you two... My life has definately changed just by knowing you... Thanks for being part of my life and allowing me to be part of yours...
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